Gear Ratio
DAIWA’s new PROREX Level Wind (LW) Line Counter (LC) predator fish trolling reel. Muskie trolling isn’t anything new, but certainly gaining in popularity. Why? Covering water. You won’t find mobs of muskies in tight schools, which puts you in perpetual search mode. They’re isolationists, too, individual fish often staking claim to select areas. And, muskies are most common in large lakes, reservoirs, and rivers, requiring an exploratory approach, like trolling.
DAIWA’s new PROREX LD LC is up to the task. Built like a warhorse and available in two sizes, PROREX LD LC is framed in lasting aluminum, to include the sideplates. A handle-side star-drag imposes tension with DAIWA’s signature Ultimate Tournament Drag (UTD), while an easily thumbed clutch gets you in and out of free-spool. The reel’s machined aluminum spool gobbles up and softly releases line. For most applications, DAIWA recommends 80- to 100-lb J-Braid Grand x8, finished with 50- to 80-lb J-Fluoro leader material.